The COVID-19 pandemic is an experience that none of us ever imagined we would face. And yet, here it is, affecting all of us in profound...

Sometimes we've just had enough. Enough difficulties. Enough sadness. Enough loss. Enough pain and heartache. Yet, we persist. What...

One of the gifts that I have received recently is the gift of trust. Trust in life. To me, this does not mean trusting that everything...

Some days are just hard. Life gives us unwelcome challenges. People we love get sick, are in pain. We come up against our own...

Today I am thinking about all of the ways that I forget to be humble. I think I know what is best. There is no problem with this, if I...

Today, I was thinking about the truth. I noticed that I go through my days being selective about the truth--I prefer to notice this, and...